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Oatmeal Diet So easily fall the kilos thanks to porridge





Lose weight fast with the oatmeal diet – it’s easy. We tell you what to do if you want to lose weight with oatmeal.

You like to eat oatmeal and want to lose some weight? Then it makes sense to try the oatmeal diet! With this diet concept, a total of 250 grams of oatmeal are on the menu every day, which you can divide into two of three daily meals – preferably in the morning and at noon.

In the evening, a light meal is suitable, which should be rather low in carbohydrates. For example, some lean meat such as chicken and a fresh salad or steamed vegetables such as zucchini or carrots. In total, you’ll only consume about 1,300 calories per day this way. With the oatmeal diet, you can lose two to five pounds per week.

Does the oatmeal diet really work?

With oatmeal we should be able to lose weight? That probably sounds strange at first, because oatmeal contains many carbohydrates, which as macronutrients actually do not enjoy the reputation of being ideal for losing weight. Let’s first take a look at the nutritional values of oatmeal to get a better understanding of the calories and why an oatmeal diet can actually work.

  • Nutritional values of oatmeal
  • Calories: 350 kcal (100 grams)
  • Carbohydrates: 60 grams
  • Protein: 13.5 grams
  • Fat: 7.5 grams
  • Dietary fiber: 10 grams

5 Reasons why you can lose weight healthily with the oatmeal diet.

In fact, there are good reasons to try the oatmeal diet. Here come the best ones:

1. nutritional values 

Oatmeal has a lot of carbohydrates, but they are in the beneficial form of fiber. They also include some fat and a fair quantity of protein. As a result, they give you with unsaturated fatty acids and cover all the macronutrients.

2. feeling of satiety

Although oatmeal contains a lot of carbohydrates, they come in the advantageous form of fiber. They also include a significant amount of protein, some fat, and carbohydrates. They provide you with unsaturated fatty acids as a result, and they also provide all the macronutrients.

3. calorie balance

Whether you can lose weight or not depends on the amount of calories you eat every day. Since oatmeal is filling, chances are your calorie balance will be good at the end of the day.

4. no prohibitions

The oatmeal diet generally doesn’t ban any foods. You can eat whatever you want. Thus, there is no risk of being frustrated after the first day. However, which recipes and foods should be preferably combined with oatmeal, you will learn below.

5. value for money

In the grocery, 500 grams of oats cost considerably less than one euro. However, they are the majority of your diet because they are high in calories. This implies that you generally spend less money on your diet.

Recipes and implementation of the oatmeal diet

For breakfast, simply combine oatmeal with milk:

  • 125 grams of oatmeal
  • 100 ml skim milk
  • some cinnamon, raisins or nuts

For lunch you can have some fruit, for example a banana or an apple:

  • 125 grams of oatmeal
  • 100 grams of natural yogurt
  • 1 banana or 1 apple

Beware of this little mistake: be careful not to always mix the oatmeal with only milk and fruit, because otherwise you will take in a lot of sugar. This can cause the blood sugar level to rise more.

Oatmeal diet: These are the foods you can add to it

To add variety to the oatmeal diet, you can combine the following foods with it:

  • Lean dairy products
  • fruit
  • nuts or seeds

Conclusion of the diet

Contrary to stringent low-carb diets, the diet form is easier to follow. The carbohydrates in oats provide you with constant energy, so you don’t need to place as many restrictions on your diet. Nutrient shortages or other deficiency symptoms are unlikely to occur in the near term because you can eat other foods in the evening. The diet is also feasible for those who are gluten intolerant because oatmeal doesn’t contain gluten. 

It’s crucial to hydrate well and to add enough liquid to the oatmeal. Additionally, some imagination in food preparation is necessary because daily oatmeal with milk could rapidly become monotonous. And like all diets, the oatmeal diet is only effective for quick weight loss of a few kg. Making a traditional dietary shift is preferable if you want to lose weight over the long term in a healthy manner. We explain here how to make a diet plan.



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